Friday, 21 March 2008

Deviled Kidneys and Cumin Cous Cous

Deviled Kidneys I have done before - This might not be the same method but is nice and effective. The star of this dish is the cous cous.

It was the farmer's market again so the Lamb man got a visit and I picked up half a dozen kidneys - his are significantly better than anything I have seen in a supermarket (ever).

Simply cut in half, trim any excess fat and season in flour and dried chilli flakes. Fry in olive oil until cooked through.

For the cous cous measure out your portion of cous cous into a sealable bowl. Add to it a sauteed red pepper, mushrooms and onion (just chop up the red pepper and mushrooms into chunks and finely chop the onion, sautee in olive oil and season with sea salt and pepper) with all the oil from the pan. Stir in one teaspoon of corriander powder and one and a half teaspoons of cumin powder. Top up with boiling water from the kettle(about hlf a pint or so - dependent upon the amount of cous cous used). Leave to rest for 10 minutes and stir through before serving. Top with the kidneys. Quick, easy and tasty.

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